26 March 2015

GATE Exam For Mechanical Engineering

Graduate Aptitude Test Of Engineering(GATE) 

Every year in the month of Feb-March various IIT's conduct this prestigious exam for M.Tech/Phd Admission along with PSU's who recruit engineers for graduate level jobs across India.

So with the inclusion of PSU's GATE became a tough nut to crack with the cut throat competition. So a planned preparation of subjects is required.

GATE focus on basic concepts with numerical solving skills.

  • For Concepts = a good theoretical study of subjects
  • For Numerical Solving Skills = Practice Practice and Practice.

So one should plan his preparation well ahead of exam. 8 month before GATE exam would be sufficient but you can add more time.

Steps for Preparation 

  • For 1st 4 months try to cover all syllabus.
  • After that Revise each subject simultaneously make short notes of important definitions, formulae and concepts.
  • After revising each subject solve all numericals of that chapter from MADE EASY PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPERS(Link below) book.
  • Similarly for rest of subjects.
  • Try to revise subjects 3-4 times in 3 months.
  • During last 2 months take any online test series(Made easy or GATEForum) and practice more and more.
  • Solve last 20 years questions.
  • Write all formulae on a piece of paper again and again.
  • In the end a week before exam stay calm and prepare only for some hours, don't put much pressure on yourself.

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